
Winzergenossenschaft Königschaffhausen-Kiechlinsbergen eG

Kiechlinsberger Str. 2-6

79346 Endingen-Königschaffhausen

 0049 7642-9041-0

 0049 7642-9041-44

Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor: Michael Eißler

Chair­man of the Su­per­vi­sory Board: Peter Vogel

Ex­ec­u­tive Board: Thomas Meyer, Flo­rian Haßler, Jens Gan­tert, Franz Josef Ruesch, Michael Schmidt (Vor­standsvor­sitzen­der), Günter Zim­mer­mann (Geschäftsführer)


Mem­ber of the au­dit­ing as­so­ci­a­tion
Baden-Würt­tem­ber­gis­cher Genossen­schaftsver­band e.V.
Based in: Karl­sruhe

Register entry: Entry into the register of cooperatives

Registry court: District court of Freiburg

Register number: GnR 270036

VAT-Id. No. in accordance with Section 27 (a) of the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act: DE 141936 412

Legal notice: The EU has created an online method of settling disputes between entrepreneurs and consumers. You can find further information about this at

We shall not involve ourselves in dispute resolution before a consumer arbitration board.

Picture credits

Wine | Adobe Stock

Grappe de raisin dans les vi­gnes | Adobe Stock

乾杯 | Adobe Stock


Tobias Ritter

Heise Home­pages | Home­page er­stel­len las­sen

Heise Re­gio­Con­cept | On­line Mar­ke­ting Agen­tur